Post by MarioDobar dan,
Nude li se na nasem trzistu HDD-ovi sa garancijom duzom od 24 mjeseca danas.
Ako nekto zna bit cu zahvalan da javi u kojoj trgovini.
Nekad su garancije isle i do 5 godina.
Upravo rjesavamo slucaj kada trgovac daje 2, a proizvodjac 3 godine.
Ovo je za sada odgovorio proizvodjac
( trgovca jos nismo kontaktirali, u tijeku je spasavanje podataka):
Dear Customer,
Thank you for taking your time to contact with us.
Regarding to the mail, we found the warranty will be end in July 2017.
If the drive is not able to read at all, please kindly contact with the
original purchasing store first.
We think that it might be more convenience and directly way for you.
If the store could not replace it for you, please kindly let us know the
place where do you locate currently? Country?
Thank you very much.
Best regards
Karen Wu鄔憶蓁
No.106, Zhouzi St., 8th Fl., Neihu District, Taipei City 114, Taiwan
Tel:+886-2-8797-8833 ext # 166
E-mail: ***
Branko Vasiljev:
Vise se NIkada Nitko NECE Na Softveru
Obogatiti Kao g-din Bill Gates!!